Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day Nine

 It started off easy and things were okay, 
but my mind just had to go and ruin my day...

1. No snacking. 3 meals max.
I snacked again. I'm so bad.

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
I don't remember when I woke up... O.o

3. Must take cold showers.
Cold showers actually make your hair glossier. That's LEGIT!

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
Didn't think about it at all.

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
I did a little over half...

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
I wore suspenders! Oh snap!

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
It was a lame list, but I did it.

8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
I think I'm getting better at this.

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
Doodle, doodle, write, write.

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
I have another goal.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day Eight.

Today was pretty chill. I felt good about myself. I got things done. I was also inspired by a friend to draw a few things. (Thanks Tristen. Good lad. :P). I'll post that stuff on my other blog once it's finished. (Click here to see eht!!) Now, for the habits!

1. No snacking. 3 meals max.
Nope. I snacked.

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
Booyah! However; I didn't get up right away... I stayed in bed and watched Black Butler. Still woke up on time though. :P

3. Must take cold showers.
I like imagining that I'm out in the rain...

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
Alright, I'll admit, I was tempted but I pulled through.

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
I tried. It's difficult... -__-

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
Classeh ladeh. ;P

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
I didn't have one for today. Oh well.
8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
Pure awesome gloss.

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
Didn't pay too much attention to this today.

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
I doodled in it... xD

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
I'm a beast.

Not really.

I'm slackin'... 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I did goodly. Oh yes. 

1. No snacking. 3 meals max.
Three meals.

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
I did eht! :D Thanks to my lovah. :P

3. Must take cold showers.
Feels GOOD.

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
Like a boss.
... XD

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
HERE I failed... Did about half...

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
Oh Yes!!

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
I did it!! And I feel awesome, once again.
8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
Paid close attention to this!

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
Um... Shit.

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
I have a dream! And goals!

9/11!! Yes!

Monday, May 27, 2013

No Day 4 or 5... Just 6...

Alright. I won't be posting day 4 or 5 because I OBVIOUSLY failed those days. (Yesterday, not so much even if it was a "lazy day") I'm honestly pretty disappointed...

 There's little motivation but I wanna keep trying. Tomorrow's a new day. A fresh start. It's time I start acting like a MAN. HURRR!!


Um. Yeah.


1. No snacking. 3 meals max.
Had 2 meals.

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
Nope, nope and uh... NOPE.

3. Must take cold showers.
Done and done.

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
I don't know what that even is anymore.

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
Um... >.<

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
I looked classeh.

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
Well, shit.
8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
I did goodly today.

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
This is tougher than it seems...

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
Holy Wankershim! I forgot about this.

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
I have goals. Does that count?

Eh. Better.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day three..

Um... Today was lame... So, yeah.
Annnd I should be asleep right now.

1. No snacking. 3 meals max.
Had three meals today. The first two were quite small... 

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
Got up after seven... So I failed.

3. Must take cold showers.
I'm really enjoying these. 

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
I'm really bad at this... 

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
I did for about half the day, then got kind of sick of it...

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
I actually missed a few things.

8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
I really paid attention to this today.

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
Forgot about this quite a few times.

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
I actually wrote things in it this time! 

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
Had a difficult time trying to figure this out today. It really sucked... 

5/11 again... 
Here's a pony! Unicorn, actually... 

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Have I mentioned how hard this is?
So, today I spent pretty much the entire day outside. (my face is slightly sun burnt...) 

1. No snacking. 3 meals max.
Only had two meals again. 

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
Got up at 6:30 this time. Slightly better... 

3. Must take cold showers.
It felt very nice.

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
I failed... Too. Much. PAIN!

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
T-shirts aren't very fancy... -___-

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
I did it again! Oh, yes
8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
I'm trying... 

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
Better than yesterday... 

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
Didn't do much with it again...

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
I still gotta figure this out... :/

12. You can take a lazy Sunday morning or afternoon but the evening must be used to prepare for the week ahead.

Not Sunday...

5/11.... Well, shit.
I'll do better tomorrow... G'night.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This stuff is difficult... So. Damn. Difficult.
I'm not about to give up though. I know that with time, this will all get easier. Even if it's just a bit...

1. No snacking. 3 meals a day maximum.
Only had two meals today.

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
This sucks. Ended up getting up at 7! Not too bad I guess...

3. Must take cold showers.
Not too bad... I always start off with warm water then I gradually make the water colder. (Very relaxing.) So I'm slightly used to it.

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
Yay me! xD

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
This. Is. The. Worst!! I barely got through the squats and situps. I completely failed when it came to pushups... I feel like dying...

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
I was dressed to impress! And felt very girly... Didn't like that too much... 

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
I got it all done! I feel proud of myself... Nothing too big, but I still did it.

8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
This was much harder than I thought it would be... 

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
I tried... 

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
Didn't do much with it though... 

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
I don't even know! 

12. You can take a lazy Sunday morning or afternoon but the evening must be used to prepare for the week ahead.
It's Wednesday... So...

7/11...Not bad.

I hate this. It's bullshit. But I'm gonna keep going!! Now, I should really get some sleep.


I was never good when it came to self-discipline and pride. I absolutely hated having to "do things." I've been lazy, unproductive, full of bad habits, depressed, I had zero will power and I was just overall, lame. It got to the point where I told myself I needed to do something to change. I began reading some books full of promises for a better lifestyle. But of course, getting easily bored like I do, I stopped reading them about an eighth through, and then completely forgot about my objective. Months passed and I continued living my life of nothingness. My boyfriend surprised me when I suddenly received a text from him saying, "30 Days of Discipline. We're doing it, starting tomorrow. No excuses." I was confused as hell, but I was up for the challenge (whatever it was.) He then sent me the ebook. 30 Days of Discipline By Victor Pride. ( I immediately thought, great now I have to read again... But as I looked through it, I was happy to find that it was actually very short and sweet. I read it in a matter of minutes. Turns out it was written for men... Fantastic! I'd become a true, manly, man! I contemplated whether or not this would be a good thing for me to do. I am a female after all! The idea of it intrigued me so I decided I had nothing to lose. I would finally have that discipline and pride I've needed. Over the course of 30 days, I would work on these 12 habits:

  1. No snacking. 3 meals a day maximum.
  2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
  3. Must take cold showers.
  4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
  5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
  6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
  7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
  8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
  9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
  10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
  11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
  12. You can take a lazy Sunday morning or afternoon but the evening must be used to prepare for the week ahead.
Some things will be a bit easier than others, but this is going to be tough. Either way, I'm excited to do this. There will be blood. There will be sweat. And there will be tears. But I'm ready to kick ass. ;P