Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This stuff is difficult... So. Damn. Difficult.
I'm not about to give up though. I know that with time, this will all get easier. Even if it's just a bit...

1. No snacking. 3 meals a day maximum.
Only had two meals today.

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
This sucks. Ended up getting up at 7! Not too bad I guess...

3. Must take cold showers.
Not too bad... I always start off with warm water then I gradually make the water colder. (Very relaxing.) So I'm slightly used to it.

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
Yay me! xD

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
This. Is. The. Worst!! I barely got through the squats and situps. I completely failed when it came to pushups... I feel like dying...

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
I was dressed to impress! And felt very girly... Didn't like that too much... 

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
I got it all done! I feel proud of myself... Nothing too big, but I still did it.

8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
This was much harder than I thought it would be... 

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
I tried... 

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
Didn't do much with it though... 

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
I don't even know! 

12. You can take a lazy Sunday morning or afternoon but the evening must be used to prepare for the week ahead.
It's Wednesday... So...

7/11...Not bad.

I hate this. It's bullshit. But I'm gonna keep going!! Now, I should really get some sleep.

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