Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I was never good when it came to self-discipline and pride. I absolutely hated having to "do things." I've been lazy, unproductive, full of bad habits, depressed, I had zero will power and I was just overall, lame. It got to the point where I told myself I needed to do something to change. I began reading some books full of promises for a better lifestyle. But of course, getting easily bored like I do, I stopped reading them about an eighth through, and then completely forgot about my objective. Months passed and I continued living my life of nothingness. My boyfriend surprised me when I suddenly received a text from him saying, "30 Days of Discipline. We're doing it, starting tomorrow. No excuses." I was confused as hell, but I was up for the challenge (whatever it was.) He then sent me the ebook. 30 Days of Discipline By Victor Pride. ( I immediately thought, great now I have to read again... But as I looked through it, I was happy to find that it was actually very short and sweet. I read it in a matter of minutes. Turns out it was written for men... Fantastic! I'd become a true, manly, man! I contemplated whether or not this would be a good thing for me to do. I am a female after all! The idea of it intrigued me so I decided I had nothing to lose. I would finally have that discipline and pride I've needed. Over the course of 30 days, I would work on these 12 habits:

  1. No snacking. 3 meals a day maximum.
  2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
  3. Must take cold showers.
  4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
  5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
  6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.
  7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.
  8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
  9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.
  10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.
  11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
  12. You can take a lazy Sunday morning or afternoon but the evening must be used to prepare for the week ahead.
Some things will be a bit easier than others, but this is going to be tough. Either way, I'm excited to do this. There will be blood. There will be sweat. And there will be tears. But I'm ready to kick ass. ;P

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