Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 13

I apologize for not posting anything over the weekend... I honestly can't remember if I kept up with the habits or not (I mostly likely didn't..) so yeah... -___- I'm also pretty tired right now so bare with me por favor.

1. No snacking. 3 meals max.
2 meals.

2. You must wake up daily at or by 5 am.
I don't remember...

3. Must take cold showers.

4. No masturbation or internet pornography allowed.
I beat the temptation...

5. Must do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 100 body squats per day.
I just attempted it and I failed... I'm in pain.

6. Must dress your absolute best everyday.

7. Must have and accomplish a to-do list for every single day.

8. Keep correct posture and make eye-contact.
Did my best.

9. Answer yes or no questions with "Yes" or "No" no explanations or excuses.

10. Must keep a notebook and pen with you at all times.

11. You must have one specific goal. Every day you'll do something to help further your goal.
Hell yeah, MO' SUCKRA.


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